Hi, and thanks for checking out the New England Aquarium's Penguin Blog!

As part of the staff who cares for our little blue, African and rockhopper penguins, I'm really excited about this summer's Penguin Power program because our team gets to share neat and interesting facts about our favorite birds — penguins. Regular posts on this blog will answer surprising questions, like "Do penguins have knees?" We'll also take you behind the scenes to meet some of our birds, like a little blue penguin named Lion and an African penguin named Robben. Make sure to check back often. We have tons of videos, pictures, factoids and tid-bits about life at the Aquarium's Penguin Colony coming your way this summer!
First up, I'd like to introduce you to one of our Penguin Pals: Fuego II.

Fuego is a 2-year-old southern rockhopper penguin and he came to the Aquarium in January of 2008. He is named after a group of islands at the southernmost tip of South America in Argentina called Tierra del Fuego (which means "land of fire" in Spanish). Many of the islands in this archipelago are breeding islands for southern rockhoppers.
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Fuego is pretty excited about this summer's theme program, too!
In all seriousness, Fuego is doing a behavior that we affectionately call "the happy dance." It's unclear exactly why they do this, maybe to attract mates or maybe just because it's fun. Pop by the Aquarium sometime and you might be able to see Fuego do his happy dance in person!
- Andrea

As part of the staff who cares for our little blue, African and rockhopper penguins, I'm really excited about this summer's Penguin Power program because our team gets to share neat and interesting facts about our favorite birds — penguins. Regular posts on this blog will answer surprising questions, like "Do penguins have knees?" We'll also take you behind the scenes to meet some of our birds, like a little blue penguin named Lion and an African penguin named Robben. Make sure to check back often. We have tons of videos, pictures, factoids and tid-bits about life at the Aquarium's Penguin Colony coming your way this summer!
First up, I'd like to introduce you to one of our Penguin Pals: Fuego II.
Fuego is a 2-year-old southern rockhopper penguin and he came to the Aquarium in January of 2008. He is named after a group of islands at the southernmost tip of South America in Argentina called Tierra del Fuego (which means "land of fire" in Spanish). Many of the islands in this archipelago are breeding islands for southern rockhoppers.
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Fuego is pretty excited about this summer's theme program, too!
In all seriousness, Fuego is doing a behavior that we affectionately call "the happy dance." It's unclear exactly why they do this, maybe to attract mates or maybe just because it's fun. Pop by the Aquarium sometime and you might be able to see Fuego do his happy dance in person!
- Andrea
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